Horror Movie

One of the most popular types of movies is horror. They usually do their best at the box office. Many of their characters, like Norman Bates in Psycho, Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, have become part of popular culture. Even though many people buy tickets to the latest scary movie, we try to stay away from things that scare us in our everyday lives. Now here we explain What horror movies are and their types.

What are Horror Movies

Horror is a type of movie meant to be scary for fun. Horror movies play on people’s worst fears and nightmares to make them feel scared and give them a rush of adrenaline. All of these movies don’t look the same. There are many different kinds of scary movies, from psychological to gory. Horror has a lot in common with other types of stories, like thrillers, which are meant to be suspenseful and exciting, and sci-fi and fantasy, which often have strange creatures or the unknown as a main theme.

There Are Different Kinds of Horror Movies

Even though the goal of all horror films is to scare people, there are different ways and subgenres of horror that filmmakers can use to make their movies scary:

  • Psychological horror: Psychological horror movies don’t use violence or monsters to scare people. Instead, they focus on how the characters’ minds change as the story goes on. Here are some examples of psychological horror:
  •  Slasher: Most slasher movies follow serial killers (like Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers) as they go after a group of people. Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are some of the best-known slasher movies.
  • Gore: Gore movies, also called “splatter” movies, focus on how weak the human body is and show this with many close-ups. The Evil Dead and Saw are both examples of gore movies.
  • Body horror: Body horror is a subgenre related to gore and may include scenes of the human body being severely changed. David Cronenberg is credited with starting movies’ “body horror” subgenre. The Fly, The Thing, and The Exorcist are all examples of horror movies with body horror.
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  • Found footage: Found footage is a type of horror movie in which the movie is made to look like it was “found” by the filmmakers instead of being made by them. For example, the main characters might find footage of an evil they don’t know about on an old video recorder. The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield are both examples of found footage movies.
  • Monster horror: Science fiction and dark fantasy monsters are used in many horror films to evoke apprehension. This horror subgenre’s villains are werewolves, vampires, and aliens. Undead and zombie movies have become particularly popular lately. Monster horror films include Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead, Jaws, Godzilla, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, and Alien.
  • Paranormal horror: Paranormal horror, like monster horror, features supernatural monsters like ghosts, spirits, and demons instead of humans. Paranormal films generally contain haunted houses, possession, exorcism, or occult worship. Paranormal horror films include The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring, The Amityville Horror, The Omen, Carrie, and Poltergeist.
  • Comedy horror: Horror doesn’t always have to creep you out—there’s a whole subgenre of horror films that make you chuckle. Scream, Shaun of the Dead, The Cabin in the Woods, and Tucker and Dale vs. Evil are examples of comic horror.

Why Do People Like Horror Movies?

Experts have yet to come up with a single explanation for why people like to watch horror movies. That’s because when people watch a horror movie, they probably do so for multiple reasons. Also, some people may be interested in horror for one reason but not another.

Psychologists have given some of the most well-known reasons why people like to watch horror movies.

  • Excitation Transfer Theories
  • Vicarious experiences and mastering danger
  • Exploring the Scary Side of Humanity

Horror movies are intended to frighten and terrify viewers. Ghosts, vampires, and monsters are common in these flicks. They can also have psychological horror themes like paranoia, solitude, and trauma. Horror films can be scary or funny, from slashers to creature features. New horror movies are released every year, and they’ve been popular for decades. Download yesmovies app to watch your horror stories.